Theres this analogy that people use, you know your thoughts are like clouds passing in front of the sky. The sky is like your awareness or something like that, they will just kinda come and they appear out of nowhere and they'll disappear back into that space of nowhere. The trick is to like not to feed them, and to stay present and away, that you see the thoughts and you notice that “Oh I’m thinking about what I want for lunch tomorrow,” And as long as you don’t grab onto that and run with it then it’ll go away just by itself. But if you are attached to that thought and identify with that thought. You will end up following it and make up this narrative ‘Last time I didn’t put mayonnaise on maybe I’ll put mayo on this time… Oh I wonder if they have chicken nuggets in the cafeteria...blah bluh blah.” And then you are like completely out there you know and that’s fine too that's part of the process of like showing up and then getting swept away and then showing up in this moment and then getting swept away again, and each time you get to learn a little bit better of bringing yourself back here quicker and quicker and quicker.